ON TV...
Tablet Magazine
The Jerusalem Post
Why a grandfather committed suicide after visit to post-war Germany - book review
The Times of Israel
How one brave woman held Germany accountable for father’s suicide in Tel Aviv
J. The Jewish News of Northern California
New books: Grandkids of Holocaust survivors grapple with trauma and silence
Versus History Podcast
Good Law | Bad Law
A Man’s Search for Meaning: A Conversation w/ Emanuel Rosen
Hannoversche Allgemeine (in German)
Spurensuche führt Enkel von Holocaust-Überlebenden um die halbe Welt – auch
nach Hannover
Fast Company
Three Secrets to Make a Message Go Viral
Harvard Business Review
What Marketers Misunderstand About
Online Reviews
The New Yorker
Twilight of the Brands
Advertising Age
Revisiting Emanuel Rosen's 'Anatomy of Buzz'
Strategy + Business
Is Tech Eroding Consumer Loyalty?
CMO Reads
CNN Money
Word of Mouth
The Globe and Mail
Author spreads buzz on word of mouth
Jack Covert Selects
The Anatomy of Buzz Revisited
The Economist
The Atlantic
A Dangerous Question: Does Internet Advertising Work At All?
Financial Times
The pick of 2014's management books